The following conventions are used throughout this site:
- EAT1 refers to Neugebauer and Parker's Egyptian Astronomical Texts volume 1. Similarly, EAT2 and EAT3 refer to volumes 2 and 3, respectively.
- Coffin designations such as S1C and S2Mal are can be decoded here.
- An ideal star table, which refers to a conceptual template upon which existing diagonal star tables may be based
- Within a diagonal star table
- All the diagonal star table schematics read from RIGHT to LEFT
- An individual cell is specified by its column then row numbers, e.g., (4,2) refers to the fourth column and the second row.
- A (column, row) diagonal refers to a diagonal pattern that begins in the cell specified by the column and row numbers, e.g., the (5,12) diagonal refers to the diagonal pattern that begins in the fifth column and the twelfth row.
- "T tables" and "K tables" refer to the two categories of diagonal star tables as identified by Symons (2007).
- "Astronomical Representations" and "Astronomical Processions" refer to the two categories of astronomical diagrams as identified by Symons (2015b).
- AR1, AR1 variant, AR2, and AR3 are families of decan lists appearing in astronomical representations.
- Philological markup:
- [ ] indicate damage in the original
- [some text] indicates probable reconstruction of damaged area
- < > enclose an omission in the original which has been restored by the modern transcriber
- { } enclose superfluous characters in the original, marked to be ignored by the modern transcriber
- ( ) are used to enclose explanatory additions made by the transcribed OR to indicate parts of a decan name or other text which are occasionally omitted e.g. ḥry rmn (sꜣḥ) is a decan which is sometimes written in full as ḥry rmn sꜣḥ and sometimes abbreviated to ḥry rmn.