Title Tomb of Tausret/Sethnakht (Burial Chamber J1)
Type Astronomical Representation
Decan List Family AR2
EAT3 Number and Name 14 Tausert A
EAT3 Pages and Plates 23, Pl 9
EAT3 Decan List Family Seti I C
Publications Theban Mapping Project
Location In situ; Ceiling of the first burial chamber in the tomb of Tausret and Sethnakht, KV14, Valley of the Kings, Theban Necropolis
Date 19th dynasty


Registers 2
Circumpolar Group and Deities Yes: 9 figures behind hippo; 7 opposite

Superior: Jupiter, Saturn, Mars

Inferior: Mercury, Venus

Decan Names Yes
Decanal Stars Yes
Personifications of the Decans No
Cluster Numbers Yes
Depictions of Decanal Constellations Yes, a large cluster, a sheep, Sahu and Sopdet
Decanal Deity Names Yes
Decanal Deity Figures Yes
Lunar Months No
Civil Months No
Nut No



The ceiling is painted on a curved vault and has suffered damage. The figures of the decanal deities form a procession under the decan list.


Damage is not indicated.

14TausretA schematic


Legend for Schematic
C Circumpolar group of constellations
A Circumpolar attendant deities
D Decans
P Planets
Hippo symbol

Location and orientation of the circumpolar hippo

Human symbol

Indicates the starting point and directionality of list or procession of figures


Decan List

The list gives an approximate layout for how the decans, deities, cluster labels (x-nwt ẖt), and decanal figures (in bold) are arranged. However, the only way of perceiving the complete layout and orthography of the labels is by consulting photographs, drawings, or the original. This is especially true in this ceiling, as the decan names (first column in the table below), deity names (second column), and deity figures (third column) do not align well. The deitiy assignments in the first half of the list are not standard.

For conventions and abbreviations, see below the table.

Neugebauer and Parker place the list in the Seti I C family. Unusually, the figure of the Sheep is placed above the decanal deity names and the list starts with 17 knmw.

17 knmw




{Horus}, Kebehsenuf

Human-headed god

Baboon-headed god

Jackal-headed god

Two falcon-headed gods

18 tpy-ꜥ smd Hapy Baboon-headed god
19 smd Isis



Two gods

{19 smd} (perhaps a label for the Sheep figure that appears here)




Falcon-headed god


Falcon-headed god

20 srt{rt}





21 sꜣwy srt Imseti Human-headed god

22 ẖry ḫpd srt

Hapy Baboon-headed god
23 tpy-ꜥ ꜣḫwy


Falcon-headed god

Horus, Cluster, 4-nwt ẖt Falcon-headed god
24 ꜣḫwy Horus Falcon-headed god
25 bꜣwy

Imseti, Hapy

Four gods
26 ḫntw ḥrw

Kebehsenuf, Duamutef

27 ḥry-ꞽb ḫntw


Baboon-headed god
28 ḫntw ẖrw


Jackal-headed god
29 ḳd Imseti, Hapy Four gods

30 sꜣwy ḳd

Duamutef, Kebehsenuf

31 ḫꜣw

[Eye of] Horus  

32 ꜥrt

Horus Sahu

33 ꞽwn sꜣḥ

34 rmn ḥrw <sꜣḥ>

Eye of Horus

36 rmn ẖr<y> sꜣḥ

Children of Horus
35 msḏr sꜣḥ Eye of Horus

36 rmn ẖry sꜣḥ

Eye of Horus

37 ꜥ sꜣḥ

38 sꜣḥ

39 spdt Isis Sopdet
SP1 <ḥr-tꜣš-tꜣwy rn=f> sbꜣ rsy <pt> Planet

SP2 sbꜣ ꞽmnty ḥr-kꜣ-pt rn=f, Horus


SP3 sbꜣ ꞽꜣbty ḥr-ꜣḫty rn=f sḳdd=f m ḫtḫt, Re


A štwy Turtles



Jackal-headed god
Baboon-headed god
B nsrw Imseti Human-headed god
C sšpt Horus Falcon-headed god
D ꞽpsḏ Horus Falcon-headed god
E sbšsn Horus Falcon-headed god
F nṯr wꜣš [Dua]mut[ef] Jackal-headed god
IP1 sbgw Seth Seth-headed god
IP2 sbꜣ ḏꜣ
Osiris Benu

The decan numbers and letters shown here are for the decan family AR2.

SP = superior planet

IP = inferior planet

Grey shading = damage

< > = omitted but understood

{ } = included in error

[ ] = damaged text

( ) = explanatory notes or additional material

The number of star symbols accompanying the decans is also omitted here, as it is often impossible to tell to which decan the symbols refer. EAT3 deals with star symbols in some detail.