
The decans in the following table can be referred to as "the spdt-sꜣbw-group", as they seem to refer to the same part of the sky. More information on each decan can be found by clicking on the individual decan names in the table below.

T K AR1 AR2 AR3 EAT1 EAT3 Decan
28/F - -  -  - 30/F 67/77 tpy-ꜥ spdt
29 36 36 39 39 31 68 spdt
G -  -  - - G 78 ı͗my-ḫt spd
- A? A A A 31b 70/84 štwy
- - - - B - 71/85 sı͗ꜣtw
K - -  -  - M 83 pḥwy sꜣbw
L - -  -  - L 82 sꜣbw
M - -  -  - - - ḥꜣt sꜣbw


The following table shows the location of the spdt-sꜣbw-group within the overall ordering of decans in groups. The "Miscellaneous" decans (pḥwy ḥry, nṯr ḏꜣ pt.bn, hnhn, kꜣkꜣ, nbi wr, nsrw, nhs, nṯr wꜣš) are unplaced in the order.



knmt-group tpy-ꜥ knmt, knmt, sꜣwy knmt, ẖry ḫpd n knmt
ḏꜣt-ṯmꜣt-group ḥꜣt ḫꜣw, ḥꜣt ḏꜣt, ḏꜣt, pḥwy ḫꜣw, pḥwy ḏꜣt, ṯmꜣt ḥrt, tmꜣt ḥrt ẖrt, ṯmꜣt ẖrt
wšꜣty bkꜣty-group wšꜣtı͗, wšꜣty bkꜣty, bkꜣtı͗
ı͗pḏs-group ı͗pḏs, sbꜣw mḥw, sšpt, sbšsn
ḫntt-group tpy-ꜥ ḫntt, ḫntt ḥrt, ḫntt ẖrt, ṯms n ḫntt
sꜣptı͗ ḫnwy-group ḳdty, spty, sꜣptı͗ ḫnwy, "ḫnwy", ḫnwy
wı͗ꜣ-group ḥry-ı͗b wı͗ꜣ, "crew", sšmw, sꜣ sšm, knmw
smd srt-group tpy-ꜥ smd, pꜣ sbꜣ wꜥty, smd srt, smd, srt, sꜣwy srt, ẖry ḫpd srt, smd rsy, smd mḥty
ꜣḫwy-bꜣwy-group tpy-ꜥ ꜣḫwy, ı͗my-ḫt ꜣḫwy, ꜣḫwy, tpy-ꜥ bꜣwy, bꜣwy
ḫntw-ꜥrt-group ḫntw ḥrw, ḥry-ı͗b ḫntw, ḫntw ẖrw, ḳd, sꜣwy ḳd, ḫꜣw, ꜥrt, ẖry ꜥrt, ḫꜣw 2
sꜣḥ-group ı͗wn sꜣḥ, rmn ḥry (sꜣḥ) = ḥry rmn (sꜣḥ), msḏr sꜣḥ, ṯs ꜥrḳ, rmn ẖry (sꜣḥ) = ẖry rmn (sꜣḥ), rmn sꜣḥ = ꜥ sꜣḥ, wꜥrt ḥrt sꜣḥ, sꜣḥ, ꜥbwt, wꜥrt ẖrt (sꜣḥ) = ẖrt wꜥrt
spdt-sꜣbw-group tpy-ꜥ spdt, spdt, ı͗my-ḫt spd, štwy, sı͗ꜣtw, pḥwy sꜣbw, sꜣbw, ḥꜣt sꜣbw
knmt-group tpy-ꜥ knmt, knmt, sꜣwy knmt, ẖry ḫpd n knmt