ID in this catalogue SL BM EA10673
Type L-shaped  
Current Location British Museum, London  
Catalogue Numbers

EA10673, Frame 3, fragments 60-62

1885, 0101.558.3 

Provenance San el-Hagar, Tanis. Donated to the British Museum by the Egypt Exploration Fund in 1885 
Date Roman, 30 BC - 3rd Century AD  
Material Papyrus 
Markings and inscriptions Papyrus fragments contain a drawing of an L-shaped sundial, with diagonal lines indicating shadows and numbers indicating hours  

The BM also lists EA76499,1 (2010,1006.7) a tin box containing further fragments of this papyrus. The status of this new collection (acquired in 2010) is unknown, awaiting publication by Ryholt.

"Tin box ('Huntley & Palmers Biscuit Manufacturers') with label 'Blackened Papyrus-fragments (part of Tanis geographical papyrus?). Received from Egypt Exploration Society (Summer 1933). To await examination by Mr. Shorter.' Later label by Stephen Quirke 'Tanis? Charred fragments EES presented 1933 summer kept in Keeper's Room until JAN 1992'. Inside are numerous small bodies of charred papyrus rolls wrapped in paper; several have the figure '20' on them. Too fragile to estimate the exact number; the box is full." (British Museum Database)

Griffith and Petrie (1889) Plate IX shows that fragment 1 contains several sundial hieroglyphs.


Griffith and Petrie (1889) Part II and Pl. XV; Borchardt (1910)Borchardt (1920) p. 4; Sloley (1931)Pogo (1932b)Clagett (1995)Symons (1998)Symons (1999)Salmas (2014)


The British Museum database has images of the papyrus here (the fragments relating to the sundial are labelled 60, 61, and 62).

Griffith and Petrie (1889) Pl. XV contains a drawing of the fragments:
