Title Tomb of Karakhamun
Type Astronomical Representation
Decan List Family AR1
EAT3 Number and Name Not included in EAT3
EAT3 Pages and Plates Not included in EAT3
EAT3 Decan List Family Not included in EAT3 but would have been Senmut
Publications Molinero Polo (2014)
Location In situ; Ceiling of burial chamber in TT 223, Tombs of the Nobles, Asasif, Thebes
Date 25th dynasty


Registers 2
Circumpolar Group and Deities Yes: none preserved behind hippo; 7 opposite

Superior: Jupiter, Saturn (Mars is omitted)

Inferior: Mercury not preserved, traces of Venus (the bird's legs) are preserved

Decan Names Yes
Decanal Stars Yes
Personifications of the Decans No
Cluster Numbers Yes
Depictions of Decanal Constellations Yes
Decanal Deity Names Yes
Decanal Deity Figures Yes, some
Lunar Months No
Civil Months No
Nut Yes, across the middle of the ceiling



This ceiling was rediscovered in 2010 by the South Asasif Conservation Project, led by Elena Pischikova. The ceiling is in the process of being conserved and has been published by Miguel Ángel Molinero Polo (Pischikova, 2014). All information on this page comes from there.


Karakhamun  schematic


Legend for Schematic
C Circumpolar group of constellations
A Circumpolar attendant deities
D Decans
P Planets
N Nut
  Damaged area
Hippo symbol

Location and orientation of the circumpolar hippo

Human symbol

Indicates the starting point and directionality of list or procession of figures


Decan List

The list gives an approximate layout for how the decans, deities, cluster labels (x-nwt ẖt), and decanal figures (in bold) are arranged. However, the only way of perceiving the complete layout and orthography of the labels is by consulting photographs, drawings, or the original. For conventions and abbreviations, see below the table.

The decan list is remarkably similar to those in the tombs of Petamenophis and Montuemhet. The most obvious differences are the absence of grid lines separating columns and the inclusion of Nut, whose yellow figure a black hair dominate the ceiling. 30 ḫꜣw maybe have always been absent, 31 ꜣrt was probably present. The triangle are is badly damaged, however fragments contiue to be found and restored.

1 tpy-ꜥ knmt Hapy, I<m>s[eti]  
3 ẖry ḫpd knmt, 2 knmt Isis
4 ḥꜣt ḏꜣ<t>, 5 pḥ<wy> ḏꜣy<t> Duamutef, Children of Horus
6 ṯmꜣt ḥrt, 7 <ṯmꜣt> ẖrt Duamutef
8 wšꜣtꞽ, 9 bkꜣtꞽ  
10 tpy-ꜥ ḫntt, 11 ḫntt ḥrt Male figure
12 ḫntt ẖrt Male figure Boat
13 ṯms n ḫntt
14 sꜣptꞽ ḫnwy Isis, Nephthys
15 ḥry-ꞽb wꞽꜣ Male figure
16 šsmw Male figure
17 kn{b}mw Children of Horus
18 [tpy]-ꜥ smd Male figure
19 smd{n} Hapy Sheep (Ram)
20 sꞽ[t] Isis, 2-nwt ẖt
21 sꜣwy sꞽt
22 ẖry ḫpd srt Kebeh[senuf]  
23 tpy-ꜥ ꜣḫ<wy> Duamut[ef]
24 ꜣḫw<y>  
25 bꜣw<y>  
26 ḫntw ḥr<w>, 27 <ḫntw> ẖrw  


28 ḳd, 29 sꜣwy ḳd   4-nwt ẖt
33 ẖry rmn sꜣḥ ?Eye <of Horus> or Osiris Sahu
35 {ẖry rmn} [sꜣḥ]  
Stars of Sahu
32 [ḥry] rmn sꜣḥ Children [of Horus]
Isis Female figure Sopdet
36 spdt  
SP1 [ ]
SP2 ḥr-[kꜣ-pt]
  Male figure  
  Male figure  
  Osiris Benu

The decan numbers and letters shown here are for the decan family AR1.

SP = superior planet

IP = inferior planet

Grey shading = damage

< > = omitted but understood

{ } = included in error

[ ] = damaged text

( ) = explanatory notes or additional material

The number of star symbols accompanying the decans is also omitted here, as it is often impossible to tell to which decan the symbols refer. EAT3 deals with star symbols in some detail.